Industry News
ASCE: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
- Emerging Fields in Hydrology
- Enhancing NWP-Based Reference Evapotranspiration Forecasts: Role of ETo Approaches and Temperature Postprocessing
- Addressing Uncertainties in Surface Velocity Profiles and Discharge Estimation through Noncontact Methods: Case Study of Two Himalayan Rivers
- Reviewers
- Quick Method for Estimating Flood Discharge Reduction from Dense Water-Blocking Structures
- Numerical Evaluation of the Constant-Head Borehole Permeameter Method for Stormwater Infiltration Design
- Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations within a Satellite-Based Framework for Mountainous and High-Precipitation Regions: Case of the 2018 Kerala Floods
- Impact of Indira Sagar Dam on Water Discharge and Sediment Flow Regimes of the Narmada Basin
- Assessment of Nonstationary Drought Frequency under Climate Change Using Copula and Bayesian Hierarchical Models
- Coupling Coastal and Hydrologic Models through Next Generation National Water Model Framework
- Discussion of “Application of a Hybrid Model Based on Secondary Decomposition and ELM Neural Network in Water Level Prediction”
- Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on Runoff in the Upper Yongding River Basin
- Temporal Evaluation of Scour Hole Dimensions due to Plain Wall Jets in Noncohesive Sediments Using a Soft Computing Approach: White-Box versus Black-Box Modeling
- Discussion of “Approximation for the Theis Well Function Using Ramanujan’s Series and Bounds for the Exponential Integral”
- Discussion of “Observation-Based Evaluation of Flood Estimation Techniques for a Small Snow-Dominated Basin in the Washington Cascade Mountains”
ASCE: Journal of Surveying Engineering
- Reliable Atmospheric Correction Generation Method for Out-of-Network PPP-RTK Users
- Temporal Sound Speed Error Correction Model for Underwater Acoustic Positioning Based on In Situ Measurements
- GPS/Galileo/LEO Uncombined and Ionosphere-Free Combined Precise Relative Positioning and Its Performance Analysis
- Using Immersive Technologies to Train Students on Topographic Mapping
- Techniques for Least-Squares Fitting of Curves and Surfaces to a Large Set of Points
- Assessing the Impact of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, Earthquakes on the CORS Network in Israel
- Vehicle-Mounted Rail Patrol Inspection Equipment Using a Combination of Line-Scan Cameras and Lasers
- Reviewers
- Design of Geodetic Monitoring Networks by Minimal Detectable Displacement Evaluation under Confidence and Sensitivity Analysis
- BDViSim: An Open-Source Web Application Platform for Visual Simulation of China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
- Monitoring the Dynamic Vertical Clearance under the Laviolette Bridge on the St. Lawrence River
- High-Precision Diameter Detector for Nuclear Power Main Water Supply System Pipelines
- Comparison between a Two-Wavelength Absolute Distance Meter and a GNSS-Based Distance Meter at CERN Geodetic Network
- Erratum for “Consequences of Ignoring the Curvature of the Earth in Nineteenth-Century Large Surveys: A Case Study of Geometrical Geodesy and the Survey of the Texas and Pacific Railway Company Eighty-Mile Reserve”
- Optimal Cycle-Slip Detection Algorithm for GPS/GNSS Preprocessing Using Three Linear Combinations of Moderate-to-Low-Noise Data
Syracuse University Libraries: Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Net Geochemical Release of Base Cations from 25 Forested Watersheds in the Catskill Region of New York
- Silica Uptake and Release in Live and Decaying Biomass in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- You Can Never Have Too Much Data – Lessons from Soil Re-sampling at Hubbard Brook
- Will Hubbard Brook Soils Be a Source or Sink of Carbon in a Changing Climate?
- Soil chemistry on Watershed 1: 1998 - 2014
- Soil Chemistry and the Recovery of Sensitive Watersheds from Chronic Acidification
- Soil Chemistry Response to Wollastonite (CaSiO3) Addition at Hubbard Brook
- Recovery of Sensitive Watersheds in the Northeastern United States from Chronic Acidification: The Role of Soil Chemistry
- NMR Investigations of Natural Organic Matter in Forest Ecosystems
- Mass and Nutrient Loss in Decaying Hardwood Boles at Hubbard Brook
- Is Horizon Sampling More Powerful Than Depth Sampling?
- Insights into Forest Soil Carbon Dynamics from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Estimating Mineral Weathering Rates in Catskills Watersheds
- Chemical Properties of Forest Soils in the Catskills Region
- Are “Quantitative” Pits Still Necessary at Hubbard Brook?